{香港 環球 代購 音樂 教材} Oxford Piano Time 13

  • {香港 環球 代購 音樂 教材} Oxford Piano Time 13
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{香港 環球 代購 音樂 教材} Oxford Piano Time Book 1 - 3  共3本  [全新正版樂]

Book 1  47                   

Book 2  61

Book 3  85                   

Piano Time 1 starts at the very beginning, with simple five-finger tunes for hands separately and together, many with duet parts. It gradually addes more notes and techniques to cover sharps and flats, simple scales and keys, and a range of dynamics and symbols.
Piano Time 2 builds on the techniques acquired in Piano Time 1, extending the range of notes and time signatures and including tones and semitones, chords and triads, arpeggios, major and minor scales, and keep-fit exercises for the left hand. It also introduces simple pedalling, new signs and symbols, and pieces to help players get around the whole keyboard.
Piano Time 3 builds on the techniques acquired in Piano Time 1 and 2, introducing new keys, semiquavers (sixteenth notes) in varous rhythmic patterns, triplets, and a variety of finger-twister exercises. It also practices the Alberti bass, scales with hands together on the melodic minor scale, and shows players how to plan their own concert.

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